'The aim of this class is to teach basic stitches for crewel embroidery,
show you how to frame up and block your work, and finally how
to lace your work in preparation for framing. This class is for both
beginners and those who wish to refresh their skills.'
show you how to frame up and block your work, and finally how
to lace your work in preparation for framing. This class is for both
beginners and those who wish to refresh their skills.'
The class was to run over two days with a two week gap in between. We were to get together from 10am until 3pm at Embroidery House and would be having a break for lunch.
This is the Beginner's Class design.
It couldn't have been more perfect for me. And actually lots of others thought so too with the first class booked out and a second having to be scheduled.
So what did I need to do a Beginner's Class in Crewel?
Once enrolled the Class Requirements List arrived in plenty of time to gather up what was needed. Some things were new and surprising to me.
I needed:
- Embroidery frame
- Crewel needles size 3 & 4
- Large darning needle
- Fine marking pen, water erasable
- Tracing paper
- Pencil 0.5mm HB
- Sharp scissors
- Quickgrip Clamp
- Lacing thread
- Fabric - natural coloured linen or cotton twill
- Appletons Crewel wool
I went out again to 'purchase with purpose' my Appleton's Crewel threads, 5 shades of a pink and and 4 shades of a green. My favourite kind of embroidery thread shopping.
I will always remember with delight doing this shopping at The Needlepoint in East Malvern, which sadly is no longer open. Thank you to Noelene who was always so very helpful.
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