Tuesday, 24 September 2013

In the Meantime

During the same holiday break I also decided to find out more about Embroidery in my home town. While I knew of a number of retail shops I didn't know much more. You can imagine how delighted I was to find out about the Embroiderer's Guild of Victoria (EGV). Thank you Google!

I joined the EGV in January 2011. 

While the EGV has turned out to be more inspirational than I could ever have imagined the first five things that I benefited from were:
  1. Guidance Groups
    There were so many Guidance Groups to choose from but one selected me - Shelagh Amor's Group who meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the evening. Why was this so perfect? As I am a full time worker the evening timeslot was great but even better was meeting Shelagh Amor, author of Crewel Embroidery - A Practical Guide.

  2. New Members Group
    On the second Saturday of the month for all of 2011, I visited Embroidery House and learned all about the EGV and how it operated. In addition, each month a guest speaker would introduce an Embroidery technique to new members. I saw so many new things to try.
  3. Classes
    Scheduled for March 2011, I enrolled in my first Class, Beginner's Crewel (over 2 separate days). I also had my eye on the Intermediate Crewel Class that was to start in July 2011 which would be scheduled over 3 months.
  4. Library
    Books, books and more books on Embroidery. I could borrow four at a time for a month as a member. So I did, every month until I had read all the books on the Crewel shelf. 
  5. Threadlines Magazine
    At the start of each month, the EGV's Threadlines magazine arrives in my mailbox. It is full of updates and information and most importantly the upcoming Class schedule.

I felt like I had hit the Embroidery jackpot and the truth is I had.


  1. Hi Chris! Congrats on launching your new blog! I'm adding this to my blog reader!
    If you haven't already done so, I recommend setting up the blog with Google Analytics so you can monitor traffic to your blog & find out if anyone's linking to your blog. Yishan.

    1. Hi Yishan,
      Thanks for the tip on Google Analytics. Great to hear from an expert.
